Richard Whitbourne
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A discourse containing a louing inuitation both honourable, and profitable to all such as shall be aduenturers, either in person, or purse, for the ... Nevv-found-land, lately vndertaken. (1622)
Crosses and comforts: being the life and times of Captain Sir Richard Whitbourne 1561-1635 of Exmouth in Devonshire
A discourse and discouery of Nevv-found-land with many reasons to prooue how worthy and beneficiall a plantation may there be made, after a far better manner than now it is. (1622)
A discourse and discovery of New-found-land ... 1620
A Discourse Containing a Loving Invitation Both Honourable, and Profitable to All Such as Shall Be Adventurers, Either in Person, or Purse, for the Advancement of His Majesties Most Hopefull Plantatio
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